Friday, October 31, 2008

November Health Freedom Update

Monthly Column From Kim Sharples, HHP, 2008 Alumni

It’s election time! How many of you know who your personal Senator and Representative are? Have you talked to them? Do they support Health Freedom? Now would be a good time to ask. It’s important to try to build a relationship with your legislators so they will know who you are, if and when you need to contact them about an important bill they will be voting on.

If you don’t know who your legislators are, you can look at this website: You will need to enter your nine-digit zip code. If you don’t know your nine-digit zip code, you can find this at

Please remember that each state has different laws and regulations regarding what you can and cannot do when it comes to complementary and alternative health care.

There are currently six states that have health freedom laws. These are: Minnesota, California, Rhode Island, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Idaho. If you live in one of these states, you need to know the laws regarding health freedom, what you can and cannot do, and what disclosures you may need to provide to your clients.

There are fifteen states and the District of Columbia that license or regulate naturopathic physicians. If your state is one that regulates naturopathic physicians, you need to know what that law says in regards to what you can and cannot do. These states are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia. Minnesota just passed a registration bill for naturopathic physicians that should take effect July 1, 2009.

National Health Freedom Organizations:
For questions or more information about health freedom in your state, please feel free to contact me: or 719-390-1979.


The Canadian Parliament adjourned for the summer without debating or passing bills C-51 and C-52, bills that could have overturned long standing legal precedent protecting Canadians’ health freedom. For more information, click here.


Prop 65 is proposed regulation that wants to classify all beneficial nutrients with above-RDA potencies as cancer-causing agents under unless proven otherwise.
For more information, please go to this website.

Colorado was successful in stopping a monopolistic naturopathic physician bill. A Health Freedom bill was also introduced, but was not successful. A Massage bill was introduced and passed. This bill contained exemptions for those who do energy work such as Reiki.

Colorado For Health Freedom has a yahoo group you can join by sending a blank email to You can also contact Kimberly Sharples at or 719-390-1979.

Connecticut Health Freedom Coalition: Craig Respasz at

A Senate bill was introduced that could have transformed an accommodating law to a restrictive licensing law. CNH and the Idaho Coalition for Natural Health was able to amend the language, minimizing the effect of the law in Idaho. For more information, contact Boyd at:

Iowa introduced Health Freedom language in 2008, but was not successful. To learn more about the Iowa Health Freedom Coalition, you can access their website:

Louisiana’s focus this year was to introduce a total Health Freedom Bill in the 2008 Louisiana Legislative Session. They held a statewide membership meeting in March with 3 excellent speakers: Senator Sharon Weston Broome (Sponsor of the bill), Dr. John Baker, head of LSU Law School (health freedom advocate), and Boyd Landry, Executive Director of CNH.

They also held several statewide meeting to attract new members as well as enlighten the member that reside outside the Baton Rouge area of their intentions to introduce a bill in this year’s 2008 session; as well as meeting with legislators at the Capitol Rotunda several times.

They hired a Lobbyist to work with us to amend Acts 655 and 334, which were bills we passed in the 2006, and 2005 sessions. With lobbyist Kathy Chittom and Senator Broome’s influence, they were able to pass a bill in this year’s 2008 Legislative Session. The Governor signed the bill into law at the end of June (Act No. 524). They now feel as though Louisiana finally has a Total Health Freedom Bill.

Their board meets the last Monday of each month, and they have a conference call number for those who cannot attend in person.

If you live in Louisiana and would like to help, please contact Cynthia Reed, ND, President of the Louisiana Health Freedom Coalition at 225-756-8400 or

Maryland introduced a health freedom bill in 2008, but it was not successful. Contact Dr. Mishra for more information regarding Health Freedom in Maryland:

A Naturopathic Physician registration bill was passed in Minnesota that will not go into effect until July 1, 2009. During this time a Naturopathy Work Group has been assigned to study the regulation of Naturopathic Doctors. Their recommendations must be turned in no later than December 15, 2008, and the Commissioner of Health will report these findings to Legislators by January 15, 2009. You can read about this bill and work group here.

Another group has formed in Minnesota - Minnesota Advocates for Complementary and Alternative Practices, MNACAP. The President is Katie Murphy, and you can email her at:

Montana has a health freedom group that wants to introduce a Health Freedom Bill next legislative session. For more information, you can contact: Debra Kimmet or 406-251-9704 or visit their website.

A Dietitian/Nutritionist Licensure bill has just been introduced in New Jersey and been referred to the Senate Commerce Committee. This bill could limit nutritional advice to only those dietitian/nutritionists licensed by the state of New Jersey. You can view the bill here. Please contact me for more information:

There were three restrictive bills introduced in New York, which could have prohibited traditional naturopaths from practicing. Boyd Landry with CNH worked at killing these bills and they are monitoring legislation for the remainder of 2008 and into 2009. You can contact Boyd for more information:

There was restrictive naturopathic medicine bills introduced this year in NC. Fortunately, these bills died in committee. The North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom has a health freedom bill introduced and they are hoping for it to be heard in the long session, starting in January. At this time they need assistance with signing petitions (on their website), volunteering and donations. For more information, you can go to their website: Their contact person is Claiborne Holtzman:

The Ohio Sunshine Health Freedom Coalition has introduced a health freedom bill, H.B. 580. You can read the bill here. The OSHFC Steering Committee recorded a phone call updating the Ohio situation. If you would like to listen, please call 641-715-3409 and enter PIN 288597#. They are also asking for help in calling, Emailing or faxing members of the committee that the health freedom bill is assigned to. To learn more, please contact Linda Murray: or go to their website:

Two identical restrictive licensing bills were entertained this session. Fortunately, both of these bills died in committee. They expect similar legislation to be introduced in 2009. For more information, please contact Boyd Landry at:


In 2005 Texas Health Freedom Coalition played a crucial role in protecting Texas consumer access to the services of the complementary and alternative health practitioners in Texas. They are hoping to introduce health freedom legislation. For more information, go to their website: or contact Peter McCarthy:

The Certified Natural Health Professionals of Virginia Health Freedom Group is collecting signatures to oppose HB 784, the monopolistic naturopathic physician bill. You may hold the original signed letters or send them to the Virginia Chapter of Certified Natural Health Professionals at P.O. Box 316, Chesterfield, VA 23832-0005.

They will use these letters to demonstrate opposition to any naturopath licensure bill that might be introduced in the 2009 session. If you have questions regarding the gathering of signatures on these letters or their strategy please contact Becky Hanks at the Herb Basket at 804-862-HERB (4372) during the daytime on Tuesdays through Saturday. To learn more, please visit their website:

Washington has a health freedom bill introduced, Senate Bill 6886, and was referred to the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee. There is an upcoming meeting: Thursday, Aug. 21, 2008 6:30-8pm at the Olympia Timberland Library. To read this bill, click here. For more information, go to the Washington Health Freedom website: or email or call 360- 357-6263.


Wisconsin fought against a dietitian/nutrition bill in 2008 that would have restricted nutritional advice. This bill is expected to be re-introduced in 2009. The Wisconsin Health Freedom Coalition is planning on introducing a health freedom bill next session. If you are able to help, please contact Syncha Maniscalco – or go to their website for more information:

Kimberly Sharples, HHP
Health Freedom Activist
719- 390-1979

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